Legal matter management software

Intuitive legal matter management software for corporate teams

Bring all your matters, related data, and documents into a reliable system of record. SimpleLegal makes it easy to manage matters through an intuitive interface and streamlined workflows:

  • Standardize matter intake with matter templates and configurable fields so you always collect what matters most. 

  • Manage all matter related documents with a built-in document management solution that keeps everything organized in one easy to access location. 

  • Measure internal workload and external performance through matter tracking and reporting. Make data-driven decisions around staffing to get the most value from your legal spend.

See the full list of capabilities

Robust matter management features

  • Matter templates
  • Matter groups
  • Embedded document management
  • Full-text search and OCR
  • Confidential, role-based, and matter-based permissions
  • Legal requests
  • Matter reviews
TSR Product Executive 2021
CIO Review Award Logo 2021