
Legal vendor management 101

5 steps for in-house teams starting a vendor management program

Law firm selection is an incredibly important factor in a company’s success. Legal teams need a way to measure outside counsel performance, ensuring they aren’t only selecting the most cost-effective firm, but also partnering with those that provide the most value to their business. 

With legal departments under pressure to be both efficient and cost-effective as companies renew focus on cost control, modern legal departments must adopt a data-driven approach. They must pivot from familiarity to diversity and understand that there is more to an effective legal (and business) partner than their hourly rate.

In this white paper, GCs, in-house counsel, and legal operations professionals will learn how to:

  • Evaluate their current legal department-law firm dynamic
  • Leverage specific metrics to evaluate outside counsel
  • Strengthen their relationship with outside counsel
  • And more!


Get your copy of the whitepaper